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Wearable Medical Technology is Driving the Next Industrial Revolution in Healthcare

Wearable technologies offer a convenient means of monitoring many physiological features, presenting a multitude of medical solutions. Not only are these devices easy for the consumer to use, but they offer real-time data for physicians to analyze as well.
Image result for Wearable technologies

From the Apple Watch’s EKG capabilities to new continuous glucose monitoring systems, Wearable Medical Technologies have a wide range of potential applications in healthcare.

WearableTechnology is often used to monitor a user's health. Given that such a device is in close contact with the user, it can easily collect data.

Wearables can be used to collect data on a user's health including:
- Heart rate
- Calories burned
- Steps walked
- Blood pressure
- Time spent exercising

While wearables can collect data in aggregate form, they have yet to analyze or make conclusions based on this data. Wearables cannot account for the differing health needs of an individual; they can only collect data. Because of this.

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