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Electronic In Health: #Public invited to view new system for #Electronic Health Records

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) or Electronic Health Records are touted as a categorized pool of patient information stored in a digital format. And like any Digital format, these records share the ability to be shared across various other entities.
Image result for Electronic Medical Records
Any report may include huge data collections ranging from a patient’s medical history, allergies, recently undergone surgeries, medications the patient is on, immunizations history, laboratory test results, vital signs and other personal statistics such as age, weight and medical insurance information. EMR’s excludes the long paper trials which were required before to understand a patient’s conditions.

These factors lessen human errors and mainly save time at critical conditions. Usually, there is only one file associated with a single patient, so the risk of data replication is considerably less. The benefits associated with EMR are the digital format of patient care enables sharing of data across various networks and platforms, tracks care, triggers warning and alerts reminders and decrease bill processing time at the time of discharge.


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