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Medical Research #medical #robots: Do you think you know enough about medical robots?

The growing trend of medical_robots seems to have gotten widely popular in the last few years. A number of innovative enhancements have been made to medical robotics. These enhancements have been designed to improve the quality of care, and to help with various therapies and deliver direct patient care. There are various types of robots that assist with various functions.
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Surgical_robots are robots that help with surgical operations with increased precision. Rehabilitation robots help the elderly people or those with dysfunction of body parts which effects their movement.

Bio_robots are designed to imitate the cognition of humans and animals. Tele-presence robots help off-site medical professionals to move, look around, communicate, and participate from remote locations. There are also robots such as companion and disinfectant robots that help with emotional engagement and with disinfecting rooms in a time efficient manner respectively.


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