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#USA Aptness for all Types of Medications Drive Demand for Pneumatic Nebulizers

A nebulizer turns liquid medicine into a mist to help treat your asthma. They come in electric or battery-run versions.

They come in both a portable size you can carry with you and a larger size that’s meant to sit on a table and plug into a wall. Both are made up of a base that holds an air compressor, a small container for liquid medicine, and a tube that connects the air compressor to the medicine container. Above the medicine container is a mouthpiece or mask you use to inhale the mist.
Image result for Pneumatic Nebulizers

Pressurized air passes through the tube and turns the liquid medicine into a mist. During an asthma attack or a respiratory infection, the mist may be easier to inhale than the spray from a pocket inhaler. When your airways become narrow — like during an asthma attack — you can’t take deep breaths. For this reason, a nebulizer is a more effective way to deliver the medication than an inhaler, which requires you to take a deep breath.

Nebulizers can deliver short-acting (rescue) or long-acting asthma medication therapy. Also, more than one medication can be given in the same treatment.


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