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Tech News: #Robotics in #Spine #Surgery: Future Trends of Surgeries in Medical Field"

ROBOTICS IN SPINE SURGERY. This transforms spine surgery from freehand procedures to highly-accurate, state-of-the-art robotic procedures, with less radiation. It is used for procedures including: Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) Correction of Scoliosis and other complex spinal deformities.
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A rapid rise in the use of spine surgical robots is attributed to a blend of technological improvements. Moreover, a rise in demand for minimally invasive surgeries has further boosted demand for surgical robots for spine.

Spine surgical robots have been widely used for minimally invasive procedures, spine fusion, scoliosis correction surgery, vertebroplasty, spinal biopsies, and others. These techniques cause minimal complications, reduce the risk of infections, cause less pain, and have a faster recovery time, which leads to shorter hospital stays as compared to traditional therapies and treatments.

Spine Surgical Robots are self-powered, computer-controlled devices programmed to aid in the positioning and manipulation of surgical instruments. 

#Medical #News Wound care: Advancement in Active wound healing technologies | Industry Vision up to 2025

Interactive and bioactive wound dressings reflect the major thrust in advanced wound management developments — effective, what you think about Active wound care please give suggestion

Active wound care market can be segmented by type dressings and graft cover dressings, further the dressings are can be sub segmented foam dressings, hydrogels, hydrocolloids, film dressings, Collagen etc. By geography the United States and Canada are the geographies are included in the report.  North American active wound care market is estimated and forecasted in terms of revenue (in USD million) generated by the active wound care products .
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The market is estimated to grow CAGR between 3 – 4 % during the period under consideration.  However active wound dressings recorded more than 70% of market share & more than 60 % of wound active wound care products used in the treatment of surgical wounds in 2015. .

The global market is driven by factors such as increasing ageing population in North American regions, growing number of diabetes patients and number of new products with better technology launched in the market. However the major restraints of the market lengthy, stringent and time consuming procedure of approval of devices and high cost of the products.

It’s riverfront of Ahmedabad they were not allowed to pollute the river so they left them on footpath what type of faith this?

Faith and festivities are two different things. It’s festivity. On most of our festivals, it’s festivities. POP contains gypsum, sulphur, phosphorus and magnesium. Chemical paints contain mercury, cadmium, lead and carbon. Immersion of these idols poisons the waters of lakes, rivers and the sea by increasing acidity and the content of heavy metals.
It will immerse to bottom slowly erode with flowing water Instead of ridiculing the faith. Either the enviro friendly POP should be developed. Or. Idols should in future be made of Clay. Some environmentallist will throw better light on this.

Source: Ramesh

#USA Aptness for all Types of Medications Drive Demand for Pneumatic Nebulizers

A nebulizer turns liquid medicine into a mist to help treat your asthma. They come in electric or battery-run versions.

They come in both a portable size you can carry with you and a larger size that’s meant to sit on a table and plug into a wall. Both are made up of a base that holds an air compressor, a small container for liquid medicine, and a tube that connects the air compressor to the medicine container. Above the medicine container is a mouthpiece or mask you use to inhale the mist.
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Pressurized air passes through the tube and turns the liquid medicine into a mist. During an asthma attack or a respiratory infection, the mist may be easier to inhale than the spray from a pocket inhaler. When your airways become narrow — like during an asthma attack — you can’t take deep breaths. For this reason, a nebulizer is a more effective way to deliver the medication than an inhaler, which requires you to take a deep breath.

Nebulizers can deliver short-acting (rescue) or long-acting asthma medication therapy. Also, more than one medication can be given in the same treatment.


Medical Research #medical #robots: Do you think you know enough about medical robots?

The growing trend of medical_robots seems to have gotten widely popular in the last few years. A number of innovative enhancements have been made to medical robotics. These enhancements have been designed to improve the quality of care, and to help with various therapies and deliver direct patient care. There are various types of robots that assist with various functions.
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Surgical_robots are robots that help with surgical operations with increased precision. Rehabilitation robots help the elderly people or those with dysfunction of body parts which effects their movement.

Bio_robots are designed to imitate the cognition of humans and animals. Tele-presence robots help off-site medical professionals to move, look around, communicate, and participate from remote locations. There are also robots such as companion and disinfectant robots that help with emotional engagement and with disinfecting rooms in a time efficient manner respectively.


Electronic In Health: #Public invited to view new system for #Electronic Health Records

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) or Electronic Health Records are touted as a categorized pool of patient information stored in a digital format. And like any Digital format, these records share the ability to be shared across various other entities.
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Any report may include huge data collections ranging from a patient’s medical history, allergies, recently undergone surgeries, medications the patient is on, immunizations history, laboratory test results, vital signs and other personal statistics such as age, weight and medical insurance information. EMR’s excludes the long paper trials which were required before to understand a patient’s conditions.

These factors lessen human errors and mainly save time at critical conditions. Usually, there is only one file associated with a single patient, so the risk of data replication is considerably less. The benefits associated with EMR are the digital format of patient care enables sharing of data across various networks and platforms, tracks care, triggers warning and alerts reminders and decrease bill processing time at the time of discharge.


#Women's Health Drugs in Healthcare???

The women's health market represents a small but growing therapy area. There are currently 277 pipeline products in active development for women’s health, making it the 16th largest therapy area by pipeline size. Key indications within the area include endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, menopausal disorders and infertility.
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The women’s health therapy area covers medical disorders that affect females only, primarily disorders of the female reproductive system, including those associated with menstruation, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. Many of these disorders are highly prevalent among the female population.

@Cloud Computing in Healthcare, Advanced Digitally Aligned Data Model for Professionals and Patients#

Cloud computing, in general terms, is the computing model that allows clients to use only a specific set of services that are required and pay only for them, in contrast to software tools or services that come bundled with a number of tools or services that are not needed. Cloud computing has become one of the most preferred computing models for the healthcare industry in its way to transformation from the conventional paper-based data storage and processing to the more sophisticated and advanced digitally aligned data model.
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By eliminating the need for a local server or a dedicated hardware system for the storage and access of data-heavy entities such as electronic health records (EHRs) and a variety of medical scan images, the cloud computing model provides the healthcare industry an infrastructure that allows for improved use of resources at low initial capital investment.

In the area of research and development in the healthcare industry, cloud computing has demonstrated its capability of delivering improved services in a cost competitive manner.


News: #Cannabis #Testing Services: Europe is Expected to Foresee a Rapid Growth

Cannabis is highly influenced by rigorous legalization efforts, which are aiming for approval of cannabis for medicinal or recreational purpose.
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Various governments and regulatory authorities are taking efforts to legalizecannabis, owing to its medicinal benefits. Commercialization of cannabis-based products under the legalized standards require successful cannabistesting, which further results in lucrative growth opportunity for players.

In November 2018, a team of researchers at the University of Guelph investigated technologies that can help in growing better quality marijuana. The team focused on controlled environment production of medicalmarijuana, with proprietary plant-growing technology, using chambers to monitor and regulate all variables throughout the growth.

The research also involved sensors attached to the plants to analyze the plants’ response to different types of management strategies. This approach allowed the team to produce organically grown, pesticide-free, high-yielding strains of cannabis, in addition to consistent generation of high-quality products in every batch.

#Healthcare- Smart Phones are Playing a Vital Role in Healthcare Industry by Making Medical Services Easier#

Smart phones and other mobile apps are largely used in various areas of healthcare like health education, health management, data management, health information, and relative workflow processes.

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Variety of mobile phone apps have been developed to monitor the health of patients and provide the relative data to physicians. The modern age technology is driving the market growth as it saves time and proves  much beneficial in providing medical care to patients in remote areas.

Healthcare industry has exhibited the need for such innovative technologies. Smart phones are playing a vital role in healthcare industry by making medica services easier and even replacing some of the work that would have previously been done on laptops or desktop computers.

The worldwide market for mobile medical apps is growing significantly in developed economies like US and Europe as a significant number of healthcare professionals are using mobile phone medical applications in everyday business activities.


Smart Inhalers Play a Big Role in the Asthma Control

Smart inhalers, also known as connected inhalers and sensors are predominantly used as clip-on sensors, which are fastened on top of a regular nebulizer for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) and asthma.
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Smart inhaler technology is birthing as one of the most notable areas that pharmaceutical companies are engaged in order to push digital health. Smart inhalers help patients keep track of dosage of relievers or preventers that are administered at various intervals during the day. These smart devices can raise reminders and alerts for users based on previous pattern of dosage administration or based on inputs fed by users. Top pharmaceutical companies are adopting digital technology in their way for improved disease management such as that for asthma and COPD and for improving the efficacy of prescribed medicines. Extensive benefits that range from reducing hospital admissions to improving the efficacy of medicines, makes smart inhalers the talk of the town in the respiratory care segment.

Healthcare news: Everything you wanted to know about kidney transplant

A Kidney Transplant is a surgical procedure that’s done to treat kidney failure. The kidneys filter waste from the blood and remove it from the body through your urine. They also help maintain your body’s fluid and electrolyte balance.
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If your kidneys stop working, waste builds up in your body and can make you very sick. People whose kidneys have failed usually undergo a treatment called Dialysis. This treatment mechanically filters waste that builds up in the bloodstream when the kidneys stop working. Some people whose kidneys have failed may qualify for a kidney transplant. In this procedure, one or both kidneys are replaced with donor kidneys from a live or deceased person.

These serious conditions include:
Cancer, or a recent history of cancer
Serious infection, such as tuberculosis, bone infections, or hepatitis
Severe cardiovascular disease
Liver disease

"Contract Manufacturing of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Occupies a Significant Portion in the Overall Outsourcing Market#

A majority of medical devices and pharmaceutical manufacturing companies around the world are gradually outsourcing their production activities to contract manufacturers to achieve cost efficiency and focus on their core competencies.
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Through this, the companies are aiming to capitalize on specific expertise in a given business category, which may not be available in house. The trend is thus expected to bolster opportunities for the global healthcare contract manufacturing outsourcing (CMO) market. Healthcare CMO Market Segmentation By Service Type: -Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Services -APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) Manufacturing -FDF (Finished Dosage Formulation) Development and Manufacturing -Solid Dosage Formulations -Semi-solid and Liquid Dose Formulations -Injectable Dose Formulations -Packaging -Medical Device Contract Manufacturing Services -Design Outsourcing -Device Manufacturing -Material Processing Services -Electronic Manufacturing Services -Finished Products -Final Goods Assembly


New Innovation Orthopedic Implants : The Smart Developments and Implant of The Future

An orthopedic implant is a medical device manufactured to replace a missing joint or bone or to support a damaged bone.
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The medical implant is mainly fabricated using stainless steel and titanium alloys for strength and the plastic coating that is done on it acts as an artificial cartilage. Internal fixation is an operation in orthopedics that involves the surgical implementation of implants for the purpose of repairing a bone.

Among the most common types of medical implants are the pins, rods, screws and plates used to anchor fractured bones while they heal.


News: Mobile Medical Apps - Innovative Technology Enhancement"

Smart phones and other mobile apps are largely used in various areas of healthcare like health education, health management, data management, health information, and relative workflow processes.
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Variety of mobile phone apps have been developed to monitor the health of patients and provide the relative data to physicians. The modern age technology is driving the market growth as it saves time and proves  much beneficial in providing medical care to patients in remote areas.

Healthcare industry has exhibited the need for such innovative technologies. Smart phones are playing a vital role in healthcare industry by making medica_services easier and even replacing some of the work that would have previously been done on laptops or desktop computers.

The worldwide market for mobile medical apps is growing significantly in developed economies like US and Europe as a significant number of healthcare professionals are using mobile phone medical applications in everyday business activities.


Innovation News: Mobile Hospital Innovations that are Revolutionizing Healthcare

"The Transformative Role Of  Mobile Hospitals In The Future Of Health Care"

Even in crisis situations, such as war and earthquake trucks, trailers, trains, aircraft and ships that provide medical attention to people in need, mobile hospital can be moved into any part of the world.

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 As a careful design, expandable trailers can also be adapted to various applications, such as medical services, administration, radio, educational, government, event marketing, emergency response service, office, hospitality, cooking and food services or temporary command units.

In order to make health care locally more cost effective, the introduction of advanced mobile units, capable of performing MRI procedures for full surgery, can be an innovative way for. A mobile hospital is a fully independent hospital unit irrespective of the principles of its operation.
The construction of a mobile hospital is a task that interests both the military and civilian goals.
Benefits of Mobile Hospital :

* Ensuring accessibility
* Innovative technology
* Effective data storage
* Patient-centric approach

Microfluidics devices are all you really need. Here’s why!

Microfluidics is a branch of science that deals with the manipulation and controlling of micro fluids. Micro fluids are fluids which range from something as small as tens to even something even smaller as hundreds of millimeters in length. The microfluidics devices used in this technique are made of glass, silicon or polymer.
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 Microfluidics work with the help of a pump and a chip. The pumps are capable of moving liquids inside the chips to a range of 1UL to 10,000UL. The chip, on the other hand contains certain channels that facilitate the processing of fluids into processes such as mixing, chemical and physical reactions.

A microfluidic chip is a tiny and thin device which enables a tiny amount of fluids to pass through which can be further processed. The chip is generally transparent and ranges from a thickness range of 0.5mm to 5mm in thickness. Microfluidics is mainly used in the application for experimental science, in molecular and cell biology research,

geneticengineering, fluiddynamics, Point of care diagnostics and drug delivery services to name a few.


Brain Implants in Healthcare : New Generation of Very Large-Scale Neuro-prosthetic

Brain implants, often referred as neural implants, are the devices that are connected directly to the brain. These brain implants are placed on the brain surface i.e., over gyri and sulci, or they are attached to the cortex of brain.
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Brain implants are implanted when brain becomes dysfunction due to various reasons such as head injuries and stroke. Brain implants are extensively utilized on animals for scientific research purpose (recording brain activities). Brain implants or neural implants can be segmented as vagus nerve stimulator (VNS), deep brain stimulator (DBS) and spinal cord stimulator (SCS). Vagus nerve stimulator (VNS) helps to treat certain type of brain disorders such as treatment-resistant depression and epilepsy.

Vagus nerve stimulators received the U.S. FDA approval in 1997 as a treatment option for partial-onset epilepsy. Spinal cord stimulators (SCS) help exert electrical signals to spinal cord. Spinal cord stimulators help in treating various chronic pains by blocking the signals of pain to the brain.

Digital Healthcare- A Technological Marvel!

Akin to other industries, healthcare too is going digital. Actually; data analytics, software-based technology, cloud computing, and IoT (Internet of Things) are set to transform ‘life sciences’ like never before.
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IT (Information Technology) revolution in healthcare, like other industries, is categorized into three phases. The first and second phases focused on systems & processes. The third (latest) aims to build a fully-integrated healthcare IT system involving all stakeholders, without negotiating on privacy & security. However, its most distinguished element is the focus on patient needs.

Digital Therapeutics “ is the most successful cross over between technology and healthcare! And here’s why!

The technology-based solutions that are provided with regards to medical issues have now found a new brand of medicine known as Digital therapeutics. These solutions essentially involve addressing medical issues through the prevention, management or treatment of the disease or disorder.
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Digital therapeutics is a testament to how technology has been taking over the world especially in the field of medicine. There are different organizations, parties and people that utilize digital therapeutics some of them are the patients themselves, the providers, payers, and some other end users.

(Business Overview, Applications Offered, Financial Performance, R&D Intensity, Marketing & Sales Intensity, Recent Developments, Analyst Corner)*
 Pear Therapeutics, Inc.
 Proteus Digital Health, Inc.
 2Morrow, Inc
 Omada Health, Inc
 Livongo Health


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